Il Team 1000mq production headquarters A mosaic of professional collaborators is our wealth Variety is our real strength. Di erent professionalisms and specific skills make up our team. Our family. The Fasano Tools organization chart consists of departments constantly communicating with each other: Management, Administration, Accounting, Sales Department, Production Department, Design Department, Research and Development Area, Creative Marketing Area. We like to work in a team with well-defined roles, embracing our vision in every smallest activity, but also keeping in mind the objectives to be achieved. O er ever more performing work tools able to adapt to any situation. The MISSION of Fasano Tools is implemented by o ering constant customer support and concrete answers to solve any critical issue promptly and e ciently. Our network The Fasano network in the world! Fundamental to the business development was the creation of a solid network which, over the years, has been made up of quality collaborations and partnerships. Fasano Tools boasts, in fact, a dense network of distributors at national level and a consolidated presence with many importers, in over 30 countries around the world. Our network is also made up of commercial agencies whose constant and widespread presence on the territory ensures the promotion, demonstration and relative application of the products in the workplace. Furthermore, thanks to the work of our specialized Technical Promoters, an important listening and feedback activity is carried out from customers, as well as targeted assistance. 3000mq production and logistics site 40 years of experience 30 countries we export to 6000 products in the Catalogue